Wedding bells for Frank and Jamia

Frank Iero Wedding 
It is finally official - Frank Anthony Iero married his long term fiancé Jamia Nestor on Sunday March 9th 2008 after a lengthy engagement that spanned from May 25th 2006. The marriage was confirmed in a bulletin posted by Bouncing Souls through Myspace, congratulating them.

"Hey Everybody!
Me, Pete and Bryan are at Bryan's place in Ny today workin on some new tunes and learning a Johnny Cash song for a compilation. We have some great new ideas that are gonna turn into some sweet tunes.
Yesterday we all enjoyed celebrating the wedding day of our good friend Frank from My Chemical Romance to his beautiful wife Jamia. It was a fine family gathering which ended up in us singing a couple of Frank's fav Souls songs. Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio jumped up to sing along to an acoustic version of Night On Earth. He also did 3 of his songs on acoustic. Acoustic Skiba = goosebumps.
Congratulations to Frank to Jamia and much Love to you both.
Have a Good Day All,
The Souls"


An Café

Nu har man börjat lyssna på dom igen.
Älskar dom fan fortfarande dom e bra även fast att Bou e inte med längre

12 mars -08

HAHA skolan sög kuk bröt ihop idag.
sen när jag  kom hem så övnignskörde jag DE GICK ÅT HELVETTET JAG SÖG P DE

fan skola imorgon igen :'(

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